V&G Establishes Asphalt Division In NC
(3rd Quarter 2004)
Vecellio & Grogan has established an Asphalt Division in North Carolina to serve the hot-mix asphalt needs of Greensboro and the surrounding communities.

Bill Hinds
The state-of-the-art plant will provide asphalt for area road construction projects, such as V&Gs Bryan Boulevard realignment job, and for other public- and private-sector paving and resurfacing jobs.
VG Asphalt will provide a full range of paving services, with a fine grading crew for light grading work prior to paving. The division will also supply hot-mix asphalt to local paving companies through direct sales.
Heading the new operation is Bill Hinds, Vice President Asphalt, who comes to Vecellio & Grogan with 33 years of industry experience. Hinds said the division will initially employ 15 to 20 people for the operation of the plant and first paving crew, with another six to eight for a fine grading crew.
Were pleased to offer our high-quality asphalt products and services to customers throughout the area, said Hinds.
Twin 200-ton silos, coupled with a production capacity of
400 tons per hour, ensure a ready hot-mix supply.
A six-bin cold feed unit allows V&G Asphalt to produce a
full range of asphalt mixes for variety of paving requirements.
The plant has a state-of-the-art mixing drum and bag house
for the highest operating efficiency and lowest emissions.
Please see www.VecellioGrogan.com for more news and photos.