V&G Rises To Meet Grading and Bridge Challenges In WV
(3rd Quarter 2011)
Vecellio & Grogans grading and bridge crews faced especially difficult construction challenges on two West Virginia highway projects, but once again have proved up to the task.
V&G built a new bridge over a 200-ft. chasm near Beckley as part of a downtown bypass, while in Grant County crews dealt with tough rock, steep mountains and limited access in building a new section of Corridor H, also including bridge work.
In addition to its original $19.8 million contract in East Beckley, V&G picked up an adjacent contract for $9.8 million to tie the bypass back into local traffic, while the Corridor H work involves 1.9 miles of highway construction under a $32 million contract.
Above: Bridge Foreman Ruben Adkins operates a deck screed on V&Gs East Beckley (WV) Bypass project as Shelly Phillips and Manolo Rico ensure guides are correctly positioned prior to concrete being poured. (Photo by Carl Thiemann)
Above: Pouring concrete for the bridge deck. (Photo by Matt Farley)
Above: Joe Cox and Rita Tonkin compact backfill over a drainage pipe in East Beckley, WV, as Hoe Operator Alfonso Torres places a new layer of backfill material behind them. (Photo by Carl Thiemann)
Above: Hoe Operator Jerry Blair loads excess material into an articulated haul truck driven by Evelyn Jarrell on V&Gs East Beckley (WV) Bypass project. (Photo by Carl Thiemann)
Above: In East Beckley, WV, Jarrel Truman cuts a section of precast concrete for building a retaining wall. (Photo by Carl Thiemann)
Above: Crews finish the bridge work on V&Gs Corridor H highway construction project in Grant County, WV. (Photo by Matt Farley)