V&G Absolutely, Positively Delivers On FedEx Job

V&G Absolutely, Positively Delivers On FedEx Job
(1st / 2nd Quarters 2008)

Projects Critical For Cargo Hub’s 2009 Opening In NC

V&G Absolutely, Positively Delivers On FedEx Job


V&G Absolutely, Positively Delivers On FedEx Job

V&G’s Greensboro, N.C., airport projects include realignment of Bryan Boulevard and site development for a FedEx cargo hub, top, along with site work for a new runway, above. (Photo by Giles Lambertson)

Vecellio & Grogan is delivering an entire package of site development, bridge construction, road work and even runway construction for a FedEx cargo hub at Piedmont Triad International Airport in Greensboro, N.C.

The work is absolutely, positively on schedule — actually, well ahead of schedule — even with the massive amount of earthmoving, grading and structures required for the facility to open as planned in 2009.

By August, V&G will complete the rough contour of a 9,000-ft. runway and adjacent taxiway. Crews are working up to six days a week to finish.

Once the second phase of runway earthmoving is complete, the company will have hauled 6.4 million cu. yds. of dirt to reconfigure the land. This includes removing 600,000 yds. of rubble from an old construction land­fill in the path of the northeast-southwest runway. Some low areas in the $30 million project required 28-ft.-deep earthen fills.

More than 100 FedEx flights will use the runway each night. To handle the weight of loaded Boeing 757s and 777s, the 220-ft.-wide runway will have a 24-inch-deep aggregate base and 10 inches of asphalt. The 110-ft.-wide parallel taxiway, which runs the length of the runway, is of identical construction.

V&G has had a huge presence at the airport for several years. In addition to preparing the extensive FedEx site and runway, crews are relocating nearby Bryan Boulevard to facilitate the changes. And under a contract awarded last year, V&G is handling all site work for a new Honda Aircraft factory, which will also serve as world headquarters for the aeronautics manufacturing operation.

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