Vecellio Foundation Provides $100,000 For 10 College Scholarships In 2010

Vecellio Foundation Provides $100,000 For 10 College Scholarships In 2010
(4th Quarter 2010)

Since 1973, the Vecellio Family Foundation has helped dependents of Vecellio Group employees, as well as students at selected West Virginia high schools, to further their education.

This year the Foundation funded 10 college scholarships worth $10,000 each. Recipients will receive $2,500 per year for four years in care of the chosen college or university. An independent scholastic review board — not anyone from the Group or Foundation — selects the recipients from among the eligible applicants.

Two dependents of Vecellio Group employees received Leo A. Vecellio, Sr., Memorial Scholarships, honoring the company’s late co-founder.

Armando Perez

Armando Perez


Amber Skubal

Amber Skubal

Armando Tomas Perez, son of Jackie Damian, Payroll Manager at Ranger Construction, is attending the University of Central Florida, with plans to transfer to the University of Florida’s civil engineering program. He graduated from Wellington High School in Wellington, FL.

Amber Nichole Skubal is the daughter of Steve Skubal, an Estimator with Ranger Construction. Amber graduated from Vero Beach High School in Vero Beach, FL, and is studying to be a Registered Nurse at Indian River State College. She is a second-generation Vecellio scholarship recipient; her mother, Tina Skubal, received one in her own college years.

The Foundation also awarded eight scholarships through schools in West Virginia communities where Vecellio & Grogan established strong ties in its early years.

Lukas D. Meadows, of Shady Spring High School, received a Leo A. Vecellio, Sr., Memorial Scholarship and is attending West Virginia University.

Liberty High School graduate Katherine L. Jarrell is studying at Washington & Lee University, also on a Leo A. Vecellio, Sr., Memorial Scholarship.

The Foundation awarded two other scholarships honoring Mr. Vecellio.

Recipient Kendra Mays, a graduate of Independence High School, is attending Mountain State University, while Rachel Montague, a Woodrow Wilson High School graduate, is going to Virginia Tech.

Woodrow Wilson had two other graduates receiving assistance. Lindsey N. Smith’s scholarship is in memory of Al Janutolo, an early pillar of Vecellio & Grogan, while Christopher McBride’s scholarship honors Rick Vecellio, the late brother of Leo Vecellio, Jr.

Lindsey is attending Marshall University, while Kristen goes to Ohio State University.

Representing McDowell County, Ryan Wayne Rhodes is attending West Virginia University on a Dr. Dante Castrodale Memorial Scholarship honoring Leo A. Vecellio, Sr.’s brother-in-law.

The Foundation is also helping underwrite the education of West Virginia University freshman Hannah Marie Wigal, recipient of a Rick Vecellio Memorial Conservation Scholarship/Youth Conservation Award.

The annual scholarship program has provided more than $2.5 million in scholarship funds over the past 27 years, benefiting a total of 301 students. Recipients are chosen by an independent scholastic review board based on SAT/ACT scores, school transcripts and other indicators of probable future success.

The Vecellio Family Foundation also supports other educational, industry and charity organizations.
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Vecellio Companies ‘Do The Right Thing,’
Set Up Anonymous Ethics Hotline & Website
(4th Quarter 2010)

When the Vecellio Group tells its employees to “Do The Right Thing,” that’s not just a company motto. The Group has set up an ethics hotline and website so any concerns can be reported anonymously.

Employees or vendors of any Vecellio Group company or division can call (877) 210-7643 or go to to report any potential concerns to an independent third-party, which will work confidentially with the Group’s Independent Audit Department to promptly handle and resolve the report.

Examples of unethical workplace behavior include, but are not limited to, fraud, theft, sexual harassment, threats or physical violence, substance abuse, discrimination, and violations of any safety or environmental regulation.

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